Dr. Jacques Duff

Psychologist and Clinical Neuroscientist
Dr. Jacques Duff is the founder and Clinical Director of the Clinic. From 1997 to 2010 he was involved in Clinical Neuroscience research at the Brain Sciences Institute, investigating "The Brain Electrical Activity of Boys with ADHD and its treatment using Neurotherapy".
Career Overview
Dr Jacques started his working career in Telecommunications in England in 1962. He came to Australia in 1967 and worked for what is now Telstra, as a Senior Telecommunications Technical officer. He left Telstra in 1980 to Study Psychology part time at Swinburne and finished his postgraduate degree in Psychology in 1999. He started his PhD in Clinical Neuroscience in 1997; at the same time he started the Behavioural Neurotherapy Clinic and studied nutrition. He completed his PhD in 2010.
- BA (Psychology) from Swinburne University
- Grad. Dip. Aplied Science (Psychology) RMIT University
- Registered Psychologist with AHPRA.
- Post-Graduate course in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine
- Post-Graduate studies in Nutritional medicine at Swinburne University.
- PhD in Clinical Neuroscience. Swinburne University - Brain Sciences Institute
- Adjunct Research Fellow Victoria University.
Membership of the following Professional Societies
- Australian Psychological Society.
- Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental medicine (ACNEM)
- International Society for Neurofeedback Research (ISNR Board Member: 2004-2006)
- EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (USA)
- Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (USA)
- PANDAS Physicians Network (USA).
- Fellow Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia (President: 2005-2007)
Experience over and above usual psychological practice
In addition to his psychological practice, Dr Duff has analysed thousands of Quantitative EEG (QEEG) assessments to aid in the differential diagnosis of children with ADHD, ASD and Learning Difficulties and for adults with Traumatic Brain Injuries, PTSD, Psychiatric disorders, Depression and Anxiety. The recordings were carried out by trained QEEG technicians.
Hundreds of these assessments were referred by Psychiatrists and over one hundred were referred by Psychologists.
He developed the Clinic’s two-day "Intensive Behaviour Intervention Course" based on Pivotal Response Treatment to train Psychologists, therapists and parents to deliver Intensive Early Behavioural Intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He has also developed on-line courses to teach parents and teachers to manage challenging behaviours at home and in the classroom.
He designed Smart-ehealth and employed software developers to write the software. The purpose of this clinic management and research tool is to collect clinical data in a database and mine this data for research into effectiveness studies of interventions.
- Duff, J. (2004). The Usefulness of Quantitative EEG (QEEG and Neurotherapy in the Assessment and Treatment of Post-Concussion Syndrome. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience Journal.
- Duff, J. (2007) Complementary medicine treatment of ADHD and Autism. Journal of complementary Medicine.
- Duff, J. (2008). Case study of multidisciplinary treatment of a child with ADHD and Mood Disorder. Journal of complementary Medicine. Sept/Oct
- Duff, J. Nastasi,J. (2014) Depression and panic Disorder Wholistic casebook. Journal of complementary Medicine Jul/Aug.
- Duff, J. (2014) Nutrition for ADHD and Autism in Cantor ed. Clinical Neurotherapy. Elsevier Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-396988-0.00014-3
- Parletta N, Niyonsenga T, Duff J (2016) Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Levels and Correlations with Symptoms in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Typically Developing Controls. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0156432. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone. 0156432
Seminar Attendees
Since 1997, in addition to annual APS Psychology Conferences, he has attended several symposiums of the following international scientific societies in Australia and overseas.
- ISBET - International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography
- HBM – Human Brain Mapping
- IOOP – International Organisation of Psychophysiology.
- ISNR – International Society for Neuronal Regulation
- ECNS – EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society
- ANSA – Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia
- METAGENICS international congress
Seminar and workshop Presentations
He has presented the following at local and international professional and public seminars and symposiums.
1999 Swinburne Uni. - Arousal and activation in the attentional system
2000 International Organisation of Psychophysiology - Sydney – Correlates of QEEG patterns and ADHD subtypes
2000 RMIT Uni: The usefulness of QEEG and Neurotherapy in assessing and treating ADHD
2001 Swinburne Uni. Ritalin and ADHD: What we learn from DAT-KO mice, stimulant medication and Serotonin
2001 Swinburne Uni. - The Neurobiology of ADHD: Neuronal self-regulation in the attentional system.
2001 RMIT Uni: QEEG and medication response correlates
2001 Monash Uni. - Understanding and treating ADHD Autism and Behavioural disorders
2001 Swinburne Uni. -Neurotherapy combined with Metacognitive strategies: effectiveness in students with ADHD and Autism.
2001 ISNR Cairns – Neocortical Dynamics and the Attentional system implications for children with ADHD and Autism
2001 ISNR Cairns – QEEG and differential diagnosis of Psychiatric disorders and medication response correlates
2001 Swinburne Uni. – Understanding and treating ADHD, Autism and Behavioural disorders
2001 RMIT Uni. – QEEG, Neurotherapy and ADHD
2002 International Mind of a Child conference – Sydney – Usefulness of QEEG in the differential diagnosis of ADHD.
2002 International Mind of a Child conference– Sydney – Neurotherapy in the treatment of ADHD.
2002 Mayne Health – Perth -Omega 3 fatty acids and micronutrients in the treatment of ADHD and developmental disorders.
2002 Mayne Health – Perth -QEEG and Neurotherapy in the treatment of ADHD.
2002 ISNR Melbourne – A neuronal model that may underpin psychiatric disorders.
2002 DEET – Student Well being Conference -Melbourne - Workshop – understanding and treating ADHD, LD and Behavioural disorders
2002 Bendigo – ABI, Behavioural strategies, Metacognition and Neurotherapy in the treatment of ADHD and Autism spectrum disorders.
2003 Association of Independent Practicing Psychologists – Workshop- Success Practice Congress: Understanding and treating ADHD and Autism: QEEG and Neurotherapy
2003 Public talk: Understanding, Assessing and Treating ADHD, Learning Difficulties and Childhood Mood and Behavioural Disorders
2003 DEET - Student Well being Conference –Melbourne - Keynote address Nutritional supplementation and Neurotherapy in the treatment of ADHD
2003 Bioscreen medical seminar – Pacific Medical -Melbourne – Identification and Bio-neuropsysiological management of ADHD, Autism and Neurodevelopmental disorders.
2004 Canterbury University, Christchurch NZ. QEEG, Traumatic brain injuries, ADHD, and mood disorders and usefulness of diet and nutrients.
2004 Twelve Victorian Country towns - Traumatic brain injuries, ADHD, Autism, mood disorders and nutrition.
2004 Understanding and treating ADHD and other childhood mood and behavioural disorders:A multidisciplinary perspective
2004 Motivating people to achieve
2005 Autism State Conference – Assessment and treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders: Behavioural and Biomedical/nutritional approach.
2005 ISNR national Conference:
(1) Differential diagnosis of early degenerative dementia from Alzheimers disease usingQEEG and treatment options.
(2) The usefulness of QEEG and Neurotherapy in the diagnosis and treatment of Post-concussion Syndrome.
(3) The Biological underpinnings of Mental Health Disorders
2005 MINDD Sydney: The Gut Brain Connection, relationship between IBS and Psych Disorders: Implications for Autism.
2006 MINDD Sydney: The Gut Brain Connection relationship between IBS and Psych Disorders Implications for Autism.
2006 ISNR Sydney: Neurotherapy in the treatment of ADHD
ISNR Sydney Nutrients for mental health disorders.
2006 Atlanta Georgia: Neurotherapy in the treatment of ADHD. ISNR annual conference
2006 Atlanta Georgia: Essential fatty acid profiles of children with ADHD and Autism Spectrum disorders. ISNR annual conference
2006 Bioconcepts: two (18 hours) weekend workshops for medical and allied health professionals Autism, ADHD: relationship between IBS, nutritional factors and behaviours.
2007 Mental Health Summit: Gold Coast Queensland – Relationship between IBS, nutritional factors Autism, ADHD and Psych Disorders
2007 MINDD Sydney: Neurotherapy, diet and nutrients in the treatment of ADHD.
2007 Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia Annual Conference and Workshops Melbourne
2007 A5M: Brain-Gut connection: Nutritional and Digestive factors in ADHD and Autism (full day workshop)
2008 Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia Annual Conference and Workshops Sydney
2009 Mental Health Summit Melbourne:
- The Gut Brain Connection relationship between IBS and Psych Disorders: Implications for Autism
- Case studies of Treatment of 8 Children with ADHD and Aspergers Syndrome in a secondary college setting.
2009 BNC Melbourne: ABA theory and ABI three-day seminar.
2009 MINDD Melbourne. Intestinal Dysbiosis and Methylation anomalies in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
2011 APAC conference: EFA profiles of children with Neurodevelopmental disorders.
2011 Snowy Mountains: Nutrigenomics, Brain-Gut Connection, Diet, nutrition and Mental health
2011 APS conference:
- Workshop on Biological underpinnings of mental health
- Brain electrical activity of boys with ADHD following Neurotherapy
- Neurofeedback has come of age
- The need for EFA supplementation following TBI
2012 APS conference:
- Neurofeedback waiting group controlled study
- Polymorphisms in Autism
2012 Capital cities: talks about Magnesium Deficiency Crisis for Brauer
2012 Capital cities: Effect of Diet and Intestinal Dysbiosis on Acid-Base Balance, Diseases and Psychiatric Disorders
2013 Melbourne: delivered bi-monthly 2-day courses on treatment of ASD using Pivotal Response Treatment to psychologists, therapists and parents
2014 Parade College: supporting students with ADHD
2014 Skin and Cancer Foundation: Biological basis of Eczema and Psoriasis and Nutritional underpinnings.
2015 MHPN: Delivered several talks on Biological underpinnings of mental health and on Nutrition for mental health disorders
2015 Staff training: Teaching mindfulness and ACT in psychological practice
2016 International congress on Natural health: Biological and nutritional underpinnings of mental health disorders.
2016 Melbourne: delivered bi-monthly 2-day courses on treatment of ASD using Pivotal Response Treatment to psychologists, therapists and parents
2017 The Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria (ARCVic)
- Biological underpinnings, nutrition and mental health
2017 Bioscreen Medical: PANDAS, PANS, anxiety and streptococcus overgrowth in the gut.
2018 Melbourne: delivered Three 2-day courses on treatment of ASD using Pivotal Response Treatment to psychologists, therapists and parents
2018 Staff Training: Delivering Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to children
Over the years I have conducted over twenty half-day weekend workshops around Australia for Bioconcepts, a nutritional company based in Queensland, attendees were psychologists, nutritionists and naturopaths.